Frank Fish to present EJB’s Candeub Memorial Lecture in Planning

September 23, 2014

Frank Fish, FAICP, principal with BFJ Planning, will present the Bloustein School’s annual Isadore Candeub Memorial Lecture in Planning on Thursday, October 9, at 4:00 p.m.. This year’s lecture will be “How Planning has Changed in the 21st Century: Adapting to Shifts in Planning Practice.”

The annual Isadore Candeub Memorial Lecture was established in the memory of Isadore Candeub in tribute to his long and successful career as a planning consultant and to his extraordinary dedication to planning in towns, cities and regions across America.

This lecture will focus on changes in the planning profession since Isadore Candeub was one of its leaders. The focus will be on the tri-state region and the lessons learned in dealing with these changes in both public and private practice. These changes include the rise of the mega architectural-engineering firm, the computer-driven technology revolution and shifts in practice demanded by sustainability and resiliency issues.

Fish is a principal with BFJ Planning, a consulting firm based in New York City, and is a graduate of the Pratt Institute planning program. He has four decades of experience in planning in both the public and private sectors. Mr. Fish has led a range of comprehensive planning, zoning and development approaches throughout the country with a focus on the New York Metropolitan area. This work has included major neighborhood plans and zoning proposals in New York City, including the transfer of air rights within a special district around Grand Central Station. He has led zoning update efforts in Annapolis, Philadelphia, Trenton and Bridgeport, as well as comprehensive plans in Stamford and Fairfield County, Connecticut, and in Rockland and Nassau Counties, in New York Mr. Fish also acts as an ongoing planning advisor to several New York municipalities on site plan, subdivision and zoning reviews.

Before his passing in 1986, Isadore Candeub was chairman of the executive committee of Candeub, Fleissig & Associates, consultants in community development and environmental planning. Mr. Candeub, with Morris B. Fleissig, a lawyer, founded the firm in Newark in 1953. Earlier he had spent 20 months in the Federal Government as chief planner for the Northeastern region of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, precursor of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. He was a 1943 graduate of the City College of New York; did graduate work at Columbia University and received a master’s degree in 1948 from the School of Architecture and City Planning of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The lecture will be held at the Special Events Forum, Civic Square Building, 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ. A reception will follow the lecture. Please click here to RSVP by Friday, October 3.

This event has been submitted for 1.25 AICP Certification Maintenance credits (credits for attending live event only).

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