The Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and The Louis Berger Group are pleased to announce the Louis Berger Graduate Fellows for the upcoming 2016-2017 academic year: Andrew Balmer, Leonardo Cavalcanti, Luke Hansen, and Chloe Strasser. Now in its...
NYC regional alumni group to host mini discussion on post-Sandy resiliency planning, April 24
The Bloustein School Alumni Association (BSAA) New York City Regional Alumni group will host the first of a new series of discussions called “PoP Topics.” PoP Topics are a series of short talks covering different areas in Planning and/or Policy (PoP) and will...
Berger Group, Bloustein alumni committed to WTC redevelopment efforts
The redevelopment of the 16-acre World Trade Center site, encompassing over 10 million gross square feet of new facilities, represents one of the largest, and certainly the most visible and politically sensitive, construction programs in the United States. The $20...
2012-13 Bloustein/Berger Fellows announced
The Bloustein School and The Louis Berger Group, Inc. have announced the selection of the Louis Berger Graduate Fellows for the 2012-13 academic year. The new fellows are David Koch, Matthew Kusy, Areej Sabzwari, andJoshua Wilcox. The Berger Fellows program was...