Transition 2018: Bloustein faculty, staff, alumni will have an impact on New Jersey's future

December 18, 2017

Carl Van Horn, Distinguished Professor of Public Policy and Director of the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development and a widely recognized expert on workforce, human resources, and employment policy issues with extensive experience in public and private sector policymaking, was named Senior Advisor to the Transition for Strategy and Policy and will also serve as a co-chair of the Stronger and Fairer Economy committee for New Jersey Governor-elect Philip D. Murphy.

In addition to Professor Van Horn, 11 Bloustein School faculty and staff have been named as co-chairs of a committee or as member of a committee, while six Bloustein alumni will also participate.

More than 20 leaders at Rutgers University, including Rutgers University–New Brunswick Chancellor Deba Dutta, will join Governor-elect Murphy’s Transition2018 committees to undertake policy analysis and recommendations on a host of state issues and new initiatives as the new gubernatorial administration prepares to take office.



Henry Coleman, a co-chair of the Budget committee. He is a Professor of Public Policy whose expertise and interests are primarily in the area of state and local public finance.

Maria Heidkamp, a co-chair of the Labor and Workforce Development committee. She is the Director of New Start Career Network at the Heldrich Center.

Martin Robins, a co-chair of the Transportation and Infrastructure committee. He is Director Emeritus of the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center.

Joel Cantor, on the Healthcare committee. He is a distinguished professor of public policy at the Bloustein School, and founding director of the Center for State Health Policy within the Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research at Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS).

Jon A. Carnegie, on the Transportation Committee. He is executive director of the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center at the Bloustein School.

Jeanne Herb, on the Environment and Energy Committee. She is an associate director of the Environmental Analysis and Communications Group at Rutgers–New Brunswick’s Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy.

Andrea Hetling, on the Housing Committee. She is an Associate Professor and Director of the Program in Public Policy at the Bloustein School.

Richard F. Keevey on the Budget Committee. He is a senior policy fellow at the Bloustein School and former Budget Director and Comptroller for the State of New Jersey.

Kathy Krepcio on the Human and Children Services Committee. She is the executive director of the Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at the Bloustein School.

Christopher J. Paladino, RC’82, CLAW’85, on the Urban and Regional Growth committee. He is president of the New Brunswick Development Corporation (DEVCO) and a Bloustein School Senior Policy Fellow.

Garrick J. Stoldt, CPA, FHFMA, on the Healthcare committee. He is Chief Financial Officer, Saint Peter’s Healthcare System, Inc. and is a part time lecturer (PTL) at the Bloustein School, teaching Financial Management.


Dan Fatton MCRP ’10, to the Environment and Energy committee. He is executive director of the New Jersey Work Environment Council.

Christiana Foglio MCRP ’86, a co-chair of the Housing committee. She is Founder and CEO of Community Investment Strategies.

Tim Castano MPAP ’00,  a co-chair of the Government Technology & Innovation committee. He is President of New Start New Jersey.

Christina Zuk, BA Planning & Public Policy ’08, to the Budget Committee. She is with the Princeton Public Affairs Group.

Grace Strom Power, BA Political Science ’01, MPAP ’02, JD Newark-Law ’07, to the Environment and Energy committee. Feller Law Group

Jackie Cornell MPAP ’17, to the Healthcare committee. She is director of development and external affairs for New Jersey Policy Perspective.


Six members of the Advisory Board of the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development will also be involved in the transition.

Visit these links for the complete lists of Governor-elect Phil Murphy’s Transition2018 committee co-chairs and committee members.

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