Rutgers students needed to conduct bus rider surveys for New Jersey Transit

February 3, 2022

Project Description

The Rutgers Voorhees Transportation Center (VTC) is conducting an onboard survey of NJ TRANSIT bus riders in the City of Newark area of Essex County, NJ. The goal is to obtain updated information about travel patterns and ridership demographics. This information will be used by NJ TRANSIT and Rutgers researchers for examining the impact of local buses and transit service planning. Onboard surveys are an important means of research to inform service planning and long-range planning.

Position: Onboard Bus Surveyors

Wage: $15 to $20 per hour depending on experience and having access to a vehicle to drive to/from the survey location. Drivers with cars compensated at a higher rate than non-drivers.


  • From February 15 to early May 2022
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday only
  • Mandatory 3-hour paid training on conducting survey and working for VTC 
  • 4–8 hour survey shifts plus travel time

Job Description

  • Conduct on-board surveys with a partner to distribute/collect surveys and count riders
  • Arrive at the first stop of a specific bus route
  • Ride the bus for the duration of the shift, organize surveys, and return surveys to staff supervisors
  • All surveyors will be paid for a total of two hours of travel time to and from the survey site (one hour to the site and one hour returning from the site). Persons driving surveyors to and from Rutgers New Brunswick will be paid for the entire duration of the travel time which includes leaving campus/home and arriving back to campus/home
  • Non-drivers will be picked up and dropped off on campus
  • Travel expenses will be reimbursed according to Rutgers’ Travel and Business Expense Polic

Qualifications and Requirements

  • Punctual and dependable
  • Ability to communicate with bus drivers and riders
  • Must have cell phones and must be willing to share the number with partners and supervisors
  • Must obtain Rutgers CITI (IRB) certificate upon hire. (Will be paid for two hours for those not currently having certificate.)
  • Availability of car to drive to survey site is preferred
  • Availability for whole days preferred
  • Spanish communication skill is a plus
  • Familiarity with the survey regions is a plus

To Apply: Email resume to with the subject line “Application for bus surveyor position.”

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