What makes New Jersey great, and what could make it better? Share your ideas!

June 26, 2014

What quality of life improvements do you think New Jersey needs the most? Over the next 10 weeks, a partnership between Together North Jersey, the Star-Ledger and NJ.com seeks to gather input from the community about their priorities and what NJ needs most. Read the first article in the series by Jon Carnegie, executive director of the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center, Rutgers University about the partnership and how your ideas can help the north Jersey region.

Together North Jersey is a collaboration of nearly 100 diverse partners—including counties, municipalities, educational institutions, nonprofits, businesses and other groups—that have come together to identify solutions to these regional and statewide problems and to develop a long-term regional plan to grow a strong economy that provides access to opportunity for all, protects our environment and creates great places to live, work and play.

Improving NJ quality of life: Your ideas can make a difference

Related: Making NJ communities better starts with these 8 issues

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