Business Services

Travel & Expense Reimbursement

Bloustein faculty and staff must follow Rutgers’ policy for domestic and international travel and expense management. Rutgers will reimburse employees for reasonable, necessary, appropriate, and approved travel and business expenses incurred while conducting university business. Travelers should be mindful to keep costs low whenever possible. All Expense Reports must include a full explanation of the rationale for charging the expenses.

Rutgers University has implemented the use of Concur Travel & Expense system in booking travel reservations and reporting all business-related travel expenses. Air, train, hotel and car rentals must be booked using the Concur Travel & Expense app which can be accessed in the My Apps section of or by contacting Direct Travel, the Rutgers-approved travel agency via  or phone# 1-888-818-1067. Travel that is not booked through Concur or Direct Travel will not be considered Rutgers-related travel and will not be reimbursed. A Travel Request must be submitted and approved before booking any travel.

Please follow this workflow for using the Concur Travel and Expense system for Bloustein employees. Click on the links to watch the instructional videos.


Important Notes


Step 1.  Setting Up Concur Profile


Skip Step 1 if below items have been completed.

  • It is important to complete the personal information where required.
  • Adding credit card information is required for hotel reservations and car rentals.
  • Adding delegates to your expense report will enable a business staff to assist you in submitting your expense report.
  • Activating e-receipts will enable Concur to automatically receive electronic receipts from participating vendors.


Step 2.  Completing A Travel Request


An approved Travel Request is mandatory before making a travel reservation.

  • You need to provide a funding source to cover your travel expenses.
  • Attach the following documents to your travel request (Ex: Conference agenda Email approval from a supervisor or principal investigator, comparison flight itinerary if travel includes personal travel, other department approval forms if applicable).
  • Include the funding source and justification in the “Comments” section.


Step 3.  Booking Travel


All airfare, Amtrak, hotel, and rental car reservations must be booked using the Concur Travel & Expense app, or by contacting Direct Travel.

  • The following are exempted from the above requirement: Hotel reservations associated with conference room blocks; Airbnb and other home-share providers; car service, taxis, Uber, Lyft, and other ride-share providers; local train transport (NJ Transit, subway, metro, etc.)



Step 4.  Completing An Expense Report


The expense report should be submitted upon return from your trip.

  • Any expense report submitted beyond the 60 days will require an exception request explaining why the expense report was late.
  • Submit the expense report before the end date of the funding source to which the expenses are being allocated.
  • Be sure to keep your receipts, as they must be uploaded to Concur.
  • If you need to update or enter new banking information, click Oracle Cloud and follow the instructions detailed here.


Group Travel for faculty and staff with a traveler profile in Concur has 2 options:

  • Option 1 – Coordinate preferred flights among group members and book individually using the Concur Travel & Expense app or by contacting Direct Travel.
  • Option 2 – The group leader completes the Group Travel Approval form and contacts Direct Travel to book the travel once approved.

International Travel

Any Rutgers student, faculty, scholar, or staff considering international travel has the option to go to the Rutgers Department of Risk Management website to register for international travel.

U.S. citizens traveling abroad should register their plans with the State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) – this free service enables the embassy to notify travelers of safety conditions at their destination and quickly contact them in an emergency. See International Travel for more information.

There are certain scenarios where Travel Request/Approval Forms are still required. These forms are completed via DocuSign. You need to refer to the Travel Approver Listing to identify the designated approvers for each unit/division. You may reach out to the business staff to assist you in completing these forms.

Non-Employee Travel – For candidates, guest speakers, students, other visiting guests, etc. (required before contacting the travel agency via phone or email).

Group Travel ApprovalFor groups including student groups. This is not for Study Abroad programs.

Travel Accommodation Policy Exception Request FormFor a policy exception request (i.e., medical exemption).

Study/Learning Abroad Travel FormsFor faculty-led and externally provided study/learning abroad petition and authorization forms, please visit the EVPAA Travel Guidance webpage.

Direct Travel can be reached at 1-888-818-1067* or

*Available 24/7 for urgent bookings.

For questions or technical support related to Concur Travel, please email

You can find all this information on Rutgers’ Booking Travel site.

Bloustein School Expense Reimbursement Policy

The university will reimburse individuals for reasonable, necessary, appropriate, and approved travel and business expenses incurred in the performance of university business. Individuals must exercise due diligence to ensure compliance with the policy and the proper documentation provided in the expense report. Expense reimbursements may be disallowed if unreasonable or unallowable. This information is stated in Rutgers Travel & Expense Policies.

Travelers must submit their expense reports within 60 days after their return to the worksite. However, travelers are encouraged to submit their expense reports as soon they return from their trip. This will give the business staff enough time to process all submissions before the 60-day window allowed by the University. Any expense report submitted beyond the 60 days will require an exception request explaining why the expense report was late. The letter must be approved by Bloustein’s Associate Dean of Administration.

Note: Reimbursements submitted over a year of incurring expenses are considered taxable income because they are deemed outside of the reasonable period required by the Internal Revenue Code. The expense reimbursements will not be processed through Expense Management, but through the payroll system as extra pay. Employees must complete the “Business Travel Reimbursement Over One Year” form. The form needs to be signed by the Dean and the New Brunswick Chancellor. Please see Reimbursement for Expenses Incurred More Than One Year Prior for detailed information.

Expense Report Checklist

Please note that when submitting a backup receipt that has someone else’s name on it, you should obtain a memo from the person named on the receipt authorizing reimbursement and noting that he/she will not request separate reimbursement for the same expense. Include the memo to the list of your backup receipts for submission. This scenario may happen on group travel where individuals are sharing rides and lodging (e.g., Uber/Lyft receipts, hotel/lodging receipts, etc.).

Please review the expense report checklist below which can also be found in University Procurement Services – Reporting Expenses.

Airline and Rail Tickets

Airlines and rail (Amtrak) tickets are prepaid by the university. Travelers must purchase airline and rail (Amtrak) tickets through the Concur Travel & Expense app or by contacting Direct Travel, the Rutgers-approved travel agency via or phone# 1-888-818-1067. Travel that is not booked using Concur or Direct Travel will not be considered Rutgers-related travel and will not be reimbursed. Tickets for local/commuter train services (NJ Transit, NYC Subway, etc.) cannot be purchased through Direct Travel. Travelers can submit costs associated with these tickets for reimbursement. Baggage fees that are personal in nature are not reimbursable. Fees for upgraded or extra legroom seats are not reimbursable. Fees and additional airfare associated with an itinerary change or cancellation require a business purpose for reimbursement.  Travelers may receive frequent flyer miles for traveling on Rutgers business. Be sure to include frequent flyer/hotel loyalty account numbers when completing the traveler profile.

Conference Registration Fees

A receipted bill or registration confirmation with fee and payment noted and a copy of the fee sheet detailing the conference itinerary (or brochure) are required to substantiate the business purpose, the period of the trip, and the amenities provided by the conference or meeting.

Travelers may request a university check via a Check Request in RU Marketplace to pay for conference registrations and hotel reservation deposits. If a credit is received, the traveler is responsible for obtaining a refund check made payable to Rutgers or having the credit applied to their bill. The credited amount should be noted on the expense report as part of the trip reconciliation process.

Meal Expenses

Travelers are reimbursed for their meals when travelers are actively in travel status which is defined as traveling: for at least 12 consecutive hours; or at least 100 miles from the Rutgers departure point. When a traveler is not in travel status, meals are considered a personal expense and are not reimbursable. Travelers have two meal reimbursement options. Travelers must select one option for the entire trip to receive reimbursement.

Travelers cannot request reimbursement for a meal that is included in some aspect of the travel, like a meal provided at a conference. Per diem must be prorated for any meal provided by any source. Breakfast or lunch reduces the per diem by 20 percent, dinner reduces it by 60 percent.

Business Meeting Meals

Travelers who host (pay for) a business meal can request reimbursement with supporting documentation: a detailed business purpose, a list of attendees including affiliations, and an itemized receipt with proof of payment.

Travelers can submit credit card receipts to show meal expenses. Meals funded by an account that restricts alcohol must include a statement confirming that no alcohol charges are included on the receipt. If charges for alcoholic beverages were included, then these charges must be deducted from the receipt, or charged to an account that permits alcoholic beverages.

Automobile Mileage Rate

If a traveler chooses to drive rather than fly to the destination, mileage reimbursement cannot exceed the lowest cost of commercial coach airfare. Please include an airfare quote before the scheduled travel date with the supporting documentation.

Travelers who use a personal car for Rutgers business purposes can request reimbursement at the current authorized mileage rate. Travel miles should be calculated from Civic Square unless the employee’s home is closer to the destination. The expense report must include: specific origination and destination location(s) (use Google Maps or MapQuest to track distance) and a detailed business purpose. Tolls and parking fees are also reimbursable with original receipts. Gasoline for a personal vehicle is not reimbursable; the mileage reimbursement rate covers this cost. Gasoline expenses are only reimbursable for rental or university-owned vehicles.  Check for the most recent mileage reimbursement rate Reporting Expenses webpage.


All hotel reservations must be made through the Concur Travel & Expense app or by contacting Direct Travel. Exceptions are made for hotel bookings associated with conference/convention room blocks and Airbnb, Vrbo, and other non-hotel stays. Lodging is reimbursed at 100 percent of the actual expense for a standard hotel room. The expense report must include:

  • an original hotel receipt that includes the rate and itemized detail of costs,
  • dates of stay and proof of payment
  • a copy of the reservation confirmation provided by the travel agency

Lodging expenses billed to federal or federal pass-through grants will be reimbursed according to continental United States (CONUS) rates. Find rates here

Travelers can choose to stay at a hotel other than a conference hotel. If the conference hotel is not chosen, reimbursement will not exceed the conference hotel rate without justification and approval from the unit. An explanation of the exceptions must be included in the reimbursement request and attached to the expense report. Travelers who don’t have an itemized receipt for lodging should contact the hotel and have the hotel fax or email a copy of the required itemized hotel folio. If a receipt is unavailable, the Lost Receipt Certification Form may be submitted, but it must include proof of payment.

Staying at a private residence requires the traveler to obtain a W-9 (US) or a W-8 BEN  (International) from the landlord to be reimbursed. Tax exemption certificates can be used by the traveler via when applicable.

Car Rental

All rental car reservations must be made through Concur Travel & Expense app or by contacting Direct Travel.

Travelers can rent up to an intermediate-size car and request reimbursement when the cost of the car rental is less expensive than alternative means of transportation (e.g., taxi, car service, or train). Travelers must include the business justification, rental agreement, and the original final receipt to request reimbursement.

U.S. and Canada: Travelers must purchase collision insurance (often called Collision Damage Waiver Insurance on the rental contract) when booking any vendor other than Enterprise and National Car Rental. Travelers must also purchase the minimum liability insurance if it is not automatically included in the contract.

For international car rentals, all insurance coverage must be purchased (e.g. Loss Damage Waiver (LDW), Personal Accident Insurance (PAI), and Liability Insurance Supplement (LIS)). 
Tolls and parking fees are also reimbursable with original receipts. Gasoline expenses are only reimbursable for rental or university-owned vehicles.

If a traveler chooses to drive rather than fly to the destination, car rental fees plus fuel cannot exceed the lowest cost of a commercial coach airfare. Travelers should include an airfare quote with supporting documentation. Meals or lodging will not be reimbursed while driving to the destination.

Ground Transportation

Reimbursement may be requested for ground transportation from the traveler’s home, or from their worksite to the airport, bus, or train station. Before using either taxi, alternative ride-share, or car service, the traveler should determine that it is more economical and reasonable compared to personal car usage, adding in tolls and parking. If a car service will be used, the traveler should contact the university’s Preferred Car Service Suppliers.

Non-Reimbursable Expenses
Including but not limited to…

  • Supplies that can be purchased through RU Marketplace
  • All Professional Services (must be processed through RU Marketplace, e.g., printing, photography, marketing, etc.)
  • Unnecessary meals for office or staff/faculty meetings
  • Charges for reservation changes unless there is a business justification
  • Purchase of travel accident or life insurance
  • Fees for social or non-mandatory activities at conferences such as tours, workshops, fun runs, etc., that are not business-related
  • Housekeeping tips
  • Alcohol beverages
  • Laundry and valet services for business stay less than a week
  • Meals included in the cost of conference/meeting fees
  • Late fees or interest on credit card
  • Repairs of personal vehicles used on university business
  • Spouse/family member’s travel costs
  • The purchase of hardware or software (due to licensing issues)
  • Lost/stolen cash or personal property
  • Flowers/gifts and gift cards
  • Other non-business related expenses

Examples of Acceptable Business Purposes

  • Attended ____________conference to enhance my research/teaching skills and to network with other professionals in my field
  • Served as a guest/keynote speaker at _____________
  • Chosen as panelist at ________________
  • Traveled to conduct meetings required for my research as part of my university grant
  • Purchased book for my research grant ________________ or for my research on __________________.
Cash Advance

A cash advance is an advance of payment to cover work-related expenses, such as lodging, meals, and incidentals when needed.  Cash advance requests are created before expenses have been incurred, and are submitted for approval within Concur. Delegates cannot request a cash advance on behalf of someone else.

  • Cash Advances travel can be requested up to 90 days before the departure date
  • Cash Advances will be paid out two weeks before the trip begin date
  • Cash Advances will be automatically deducted on the first expense report submitted after the trip return date
  • Cash Advances of more than $100 per day for meals and incidentals require a justification letter to be submitted along with the Cash Advance request

To learn how to request a cash advance, please watch this video.

Lost Receipt Certificate Form

An original document itemizing the good(s) or service(s) purchased.  The receipt must provide a named payee and date that confirms payment has been made for a stated purchase.  The method of payment must be shown on the receipt.  If the receipt is lost, the individual seeking reimbursement must complete the Lost Receipt Certificate Form.

Employee Relocation Reimbursement

Moving and relocation expenses of new faculty and staff members who are transferred from one geographic location to another may be paid by the University up to the amount agreed to in their offer letters. As stated on Rutgers’ Employee Relocation Reimbursement website, moving expenses are the costs of packing, shipping, and storing household goods. Relocation expenses are the costs of travel for the faculty or staff member and family to the position assigned, including transportation, food, and lodging, travel for trips necessary to secure living quarters, and temporary lodging. The preference is to use one of the University contracted moving companies below.

Allied Van Lines Inc | Brantley Bros Moving & Storage | Budd Van Lines | Mayflower Transit LLC  | North American Van Lines Inc | Serva Worldwide: Siracisa /A-1 Freeman International elocation)  | United Van Lines LLC

This list may change without notice. Please check with the business staff at for the current list of contracted companies.

Currently, moving expenses incurred by employees will be treated as wages or taxable income subject to federal, state, and FICA tax withholding. Further, please note that employees may not deduct these expenses on their individual income tax returns. Please visit Employee Relocation Reimbursement to check for any updates to this rule.

Three Processes for Moving Expense Payment

  1. Rutgers Pays the Moving Company Directly
    It is preferred to use one of the University’s contracted suppliers, for ease of buying, use of discounts, and fewer out-of-pocket expenses for the new employee.  The business staff will complete the Taxable Moving Expense Reimbursement formand attach the signed form to the RU Marketplace requisition.
  1. Employees Reimbursement Before the Appointment Has Commenced
     It is an option to request reimbursement for other relocation expenses related to travel to the new employment location, or trips to secure a living arrangement before the employee’s appointment has commenced. The business staff will have to complete the Form. The signed form is then attached to the check request form in RU Marketplace, along with any other required forms, using the account code 69305 or 56990 (office/laboratory moves). See the check request matrixfor documentation needs.
  1. Employees Reimbursement After the Appointment Has Commenced
    All relocation expenses related to travel and moving expenses that must be reimbursed directly to the employee after the appointment has commenced must go through Payroll Services. The business staff will complete the Taxable Moving Expense Reimbursement form and submit it, along with original receipts, to Payroll Services.

Please read the Employee Relocation Policy 40.2.22 (PDF) before proceeding with the relocation and moving expense process.

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Events & Program Manager SPVR

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Director of Budget & Business Services

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Associate Dean of Administration

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Business Manager

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Business Assistant II

Iram Faisal

Business Assistant II

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