Graduate Program
Master of Health Administration (MHA) External Funding Opportunities
To advance its mission and values, the Rutgers University Master of Health Administration (MHA) program promotes merit-based scholarships for its students. This includes MHA and health administration third party scholarships.
Research centers and institutes and individual faculty may also provide assistantships and hourly work opportunities for graduate students.
Federal and state loans and grants are not a part of this process. You should contact the Rutgers Financial Aid Office for more information on these opportunities.
American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Albert W. Dent Scholarship
For racially and/or ethnically diverse, as well as LGBTQ students only
In honor of Albert W. Dent, the first African-American Fellow of ACHE, the scholarship provides financial aid to racially/ethnically students in healthcare management graduate programs to help offset tuition costs, student loans, and expenses.
Applications for 2025 are accepted Jan. 3 – Mar. 31, 2025.
American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Foster G. McGaw Graduate Student Scholarship
Offered to provide financial aid to students in healthcare management graduate programs.
Applications for 2025 are accepted Jan. 3 – Mar. 31, 2025.
American College of Healthcare Executives Northern New Jersey Chapter (ACHENJ)
Annual Scholarship – Applications open in the Spring for May 2025.
Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) Foster G. McGaw Scholarship
Award Amount: $1000
Number of Recipients: 1
An applicant is selected based upon their academic achievement and demonstrated community/health administration leadership, engagement and volunteerism.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Applicant is enrolled in the MHA program and is in his/her second year.
- Applicant’s cumulative GPA is at least 3.75 (out of 4)
- Applicant has demonstrated service and/or contributions to the healthcare management profession; such service may include, but is not limited to, student membership and participation in professional organizations related to healthcare management, volunteer work for healthcare organizations that is related to professional development, and/or demonstrated leadership in the RMHA program through involvement in student organizations or activities.
Application Process:
Submit a single PDF file that includes your resume, transcript, and a brief biography outlining your contributions to the profession and community. The biography should cover your leadership roles, service in healthcare management, and involvement in student organizations and activities. Send your application to by November 15, 2024.
Bachrach Family Scholarship for Excellence in Healthcare Administration
CAHME Student Awards for Excellence
Award recipients will be honored during ACHE Congress in March 2025.
- CAHME/Sachs Family Foundation for Entrepreneurs in Healthcare Management. Award: One-time scholarship of $10,000.00, complimentary ticket to the CAHME Awards Ceremony on March 23, 2025, at ACHE Congress, complimentary ticket to ACHE Congress, roundtrip airfare, 2-night hotel stay, commemorative CAHME award recognizing your success, recognition on CAHME’s website and social media.
- CAHME/Judy Baar Topinka Foundation for Health Policy
Award: one-time scholarship of $2,000.00, complimentary ticket to the CAHME Awards Ceremony on March 23, 2025, at ACHE Congress, complimentary ticket to ACHE Congress, roundtrip airfare, 2-night hotel stay, recognition on CAHME’s website and social media. - CAHME/Tim Campbell Scholarship for Selfless Service to Others and the Community
Award: One-time scholarship of $3,000.00, complimentary ticket to the CAHME Awards Ceremony on March 23, 2025, at ACHE Congress, complimentary ticket to ACHE Congress, roundtrip airfare, 2-night hotel stay, recognition on CAHME’s website and social media. - CAHME/ Fawn Lopez Health Advocacy Communication Excellence Award
Award: One-time scholarship of $3,000.00, complimentary ticket to the CAHME Awards Ceremony on March 23, 2025, at ACHE Congress, complimentary ticket to ACHE Congress, roundtrip airfare, 2-night hotel stay, recognition on CAHME’s website and social media. - The CAHME/Robert S Bonney Scholarship for Veterans of the US Armed Services
Award: One-time scholarship of $5,000.00, complimentary ticket to the CAHME Awards Ceremony on March 23, 2025, at ACHE Congress, complimentary ticket to ACHE Congress, roundtrip airfare, 2-night hotel stay, recognition on CAHME’s website and social media. - The CAHME/Olin Oedekoven Most Improved Student Scholarship
Award: One-time scholarship of $10,000.00, complimentary ticket to the CAHME Awards Ceremony on March 23, 2025, at ACHE Congress, complimentary ticket to ACHE Congress, roundtrip airfare, 2-night hotel stay, recognition on CAHME’s website and social media.
Application process:
Each scholarship has its own criteria, with all scholarships requiring two essays of no more than 250 words each. The program submits one finalist per scholarship to CAHME. To request a nomination, email your essays (specifying the scholarship) to: by October 15, 2024.
Health Administration Program Student Support Fund
Award Amount: $2,000
Number of Recipients: 2
The scholarship is primarily merit-based, awarded to students demonstrating exceptional academic achievement, while also considering financial need to ensure accessibility for deserving candidates. Recipients will be invited to attend the annual scholarship luncheon in April 2025 for recognition and are expected to attend.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Minimum GPA of 3.75 (on a 4.0 scale)
- Enrollment in MHA classes for both terms of the 2024-25 academic year
Application Process:
Please submit your resume, an essay of no more than 500 words on your aspirations and goals, and a letter of recommendation from MHA faculty to by November 30, 2024.
Life Care Services Scholarship
The Ed & Sue Kenny Scholarship was designed to promote the education and professional development of undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a degree in the field of senior lifestyle services (senior services include post acute, independent living, and nursing home facilities). The scholarship is open to qualified students across the country. The LCS Foundation will accept applications from July 1 to Nov. 1, 2024
Rutgers Bloustein School MHA Scholarship to attend the ACHE Congress on Healthcare Leadership
The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) conference will be held March 24-27, 2025, at the George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, Texas.
Eligibility Criteria
- Second year students currently enrolled in the MHA program
- A cumulative minimum grade point average of 3.75 (out of 4.0), and
- Demonstrated leadership in the MHA program through involvement in student organizations/activities, and service to the community and/or contributions to the healthcare management profession
Additional Requirements
The scholarship covers in part the cost of attending this valuable conference. Scholarship recipients will receive the award in the form of a $1,500 stipend award that will be paid to the student through their student tuition bill account. The scholarship will show as a credit on their term bill. Should the student bill be paid in full (zero balance), the student would be entitled to a refund of the scholarship. Should the student bill have a balance due, the scholarship would apply against the balance due with any remaining turned into a refund. Regardless of which situation, students who commit to attending and receive a scholarship must do so and are responsible for arranging their travel, hotel accommodations, and conference registration. Post-travel, students must provide a copy of their attendance credentials (nametag, etc.) to the faculty advisor(s) attending ACHE.
Travel Arrangements
Students are responsible for arranging their own travel, hotel accommodations, and conference registration. We encourage students to book accommodation with another MHA students as a roommate to save on accommodation.
ACHE Congress Registration
Students are responsible for registering for ACHE Congress. Please note that the ACHE Early Registration fee for Student Associate members is $500 until January 7. After that date, the fee increases to $650 and will remain at that rate until February 26. To qualify for the Student Associate registration rate, students must submit an ACHE Student Associate membership application along with a $75 membership fee.
Application process
Deadline to apply for the MHA Scholarship to attend the ACHE 2025 Congress is December 15, 2024.
Should you have clarifying questions, please contact
Application Form
Stephen K. Jones Master of Health Administration Scholarship
Award Amount: $2,000
Number of Recipients: 1
The Stephen K. Jones Master of Health Administration Scholarship supports students demonstrating strong academic merit who are enrolled in the MHA program. Recipients will be invited to attend the annual scholarship luncheon in April 2025 for recognition and are expected to attend.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Minimum GPA of 3.75 (on a 4.0 scale)
- Enrollment in MHA classes for both terms of the 2024-25 academic year
Application Process:
Please submit your resume and an essay of no more than 500 words on the importance of leadership and diversity in the healthcare workforce and their significance to you to by November 30, 2024.
Upsilon Phi Delta (UPD) Honor Society
The Upsilon Phi Delta Honor Society recognizes students who achieve distinction in healthcare management.
Eligibility criteria:
- Academic achievement and demonstrated service and/or contributions to the healthcare management profession
- Students who will complete 45 credits by the end of the spring semester
- Minimum grade point average of 3.75 (out of 4.0)
Application Process:
Students complete the online application no later than 3 weeks prior to the scheduled induction date and acceptance is subject to faculty review and approval.
For more information, please contact
Rutgers MHA is ranked 32nd in the nation by
U.S. News & World Report
and is the Top Ranked program in New Jersey.

Program Resources
Program Faculty & Fellows
Student & Academic Services
Steve Weston
Assistant Dean of Academic Administration
Courtney Culler
Associate Director for Graduate Student Services
Greg Marrero
Student Counselor, Graduate Student Services
Andrea Garrido
Career Management Specialist for Planning, Policy, and Informatics Masters Students
Cheryl Egan
Career Management Specialist for Health Administration Masters Students