Student Projects

Under the direction of faculty and research staff, students at the Bloustein School analyze real-world issues for real clients and develop real solutions. From planning studios to policy practicums to applied field experiences, students use a range of analytic, design, or research techniques to gain practical experience. They consider socioeconomic, demographic, environmental, political, and other conditions as well as stakeholder engagement as they research and assess projects, and are encouraged to use “best practices” in order to develop solutions that are equitable and efficient.

You can also see student projects and portfolios on ISSUU.

Graduate Urban Planning Studios and Independent Studies

Penn Express: Mending the Gaps in Pennsylvania’s Bus Network

Penn Express: Mending the Gaps in Pennsylvania’s Bus Network

Independent study by Alexander Carroll Davis View report Over the last few decades, certain corridors in Pennsylvania’s intercity bus network have suffered dramatic cuts to service, cutting off Pennsylvanians from access to jobs and amenities in other towns. This...

Reimagining Circulation in Somerset County, NJ

Reimagining Circulation in Somerset County, NJ

View StoryMap During the Somerset County, NJ Circulation Plan Update process, the County recognized the need to reevaluate how it provides public transit services. A meeting of the County’s Senior Management Team held in the Spring of 2023 to discuss this issue...

The Greenway, NJDEP

The Greenway, NJDEP

View StoryMap In September 2022 the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) acquired approximately nine miles of an abandoned Norfolk Southern rail line that passes through eight municipalities in Essex and Hudson counties. NJDEP envisions converting...

Meadowlands Resilience Planning

Meadowlands Resilience Planning

View Report This report includes an evaluation of existing resilience planning in the New Jersey Hackensack Meadowlands District and the larger Meadowlands region with recommendations on possible next steps for promoting science-informed, and equitable climate...

Jersey City Mobility Hub Feasibility Study

Jersey City Mobility Hub Feasibility Study

With the city's existing transportation conditions in mind and a goal of providing last-mile connections and facilitating otherwise difficult crosstown travel, this graduate planning studio class aims to support the City of Jersey City Department of Transportation's...

Jersey City Heights Prospectus

Jersey City Heights Prospectus

Instructor: Barbara Faga The studio team was asked by the Central Avenue Special Improvement District (SID) to help advance the redevelopment of the project site on Block 2901. The Central Avenue SID wanted to see what potential exists for development of the lot. The...

Planning for Global Population Ageing

Planning for Global Population Ageing

Report for Economic Analysis and Policy Division, United Nations Department of Economics and Social Affairs Instructor: Hal Salzman The world is greying. There are more older adults aged 65 and above today than children under the age of five. One in five adults will...

Delaware-Raritan Transit Corridor

Delaware-Raritan Transit Corridor

Blue Sky Comprehensive Planning for Rail Reactivation Instructor: Thomas G. Dallessio AICP/PP/CPM/FRSA Blue Sky Planning takes an optimistic and visionary approach to developing an extensive comprehensive plan to a city or region. Accounting for important and emerging...

Imagine New Brunswick

Imagine New Brunswick

Fall 2021 Story MapSpring 2022 Story Map Background This year-long studio examined current conditions along the George Street vehicular access closure and the surrounding area. The street closure began in the summer of 2020 to promote safe outdoor dining during the...

Graduate Public Policy Practicums

Analyzing Short-Term Involuntary Commitment Policy in New Jersey

Analyzing Short-Term Involuntary Commitment Policy in New Jersey

Larissa Garcia, Maia Hill, Stephen Keffer, Awn Rizvi, Raisa Rubin-Stankiewicz, Vee Yeo Read Report At the request of New Jersey Policy Perspective (NJPP), Rutgers graduate student researchers from the  School produced a report to analyze P.L. 2023, c.139 which doubles...

Proposed Evaluation of NJ Driver’s License Expansion

Proposed Evaluation of NJ Driver’s License Expansion

Camryn Mathews, Cristina Toppin, Anna Heckler, Qudry Adeyanju, and Madison Menkevich Read Report New Jersey Bill A4743, passed in 2019 and implemented in 2021, expanded access to standard driver’s licenses by creating two categories of driver's licenses and...

Analysis of Nationwide Uncompensated & Other Related Care Models

Analysis of Nationwide Uncompensated & Other Related Care Models

Nathaly Andrade, Tristan Gibson, Han Le, Kevin Petrozzo, Jessica Rueb, andLaura Sandoval Read Report Promoting and ensuring access to medically necessary health care services is an important component of maintaining the health and wellbeing of a community. Equally...

Assessing Child Care Systems in New Jersey

Assessing Child Care Systems in New Jersey

Jessica Dufort, Jennifer Elliott, Eashwayne Haughton, Kevin Keys, Amanda Parker Read Report Equitable access to high quality, safe, and affordable child care is a necessity for healthy children and families. A family who secures quality dependable child care is able...

Graduate Public Policy Applied Field Experience

Graduate Public Informatics Student Projects

Undergraduate and Graduate Urban Planning Representation and Advanced Visualization